Bärnloch circular hiking trail

The varied, wildly romantic circular hiking trail, signposted on both sides, starts at the car park in Eidenberg and is an absolute top tip. Through the village it goes past the long-distance signpost onto the Kammweg in the direction of Eidenberger Lusen. It’s a short steep climb, past interesting rock formations. At the forest chapel you can make a detour to the vantage point at the 733 m high summit of the Eidenberger Lusen with a climbing wall. It continues downhill towards Monigottsöd. There the path leads to the romantic path along the banks of the wildly rushing Osterbach, which also forms the border with Austria. Display boards explain the remains of the sawmills. We leave the Osterbach and follow the circular path back to the car park near Eidenberg. The circular route has a length of approx. 6 km.

Post from:03.03.2023 last modification: 08.03.2023

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