Buchberger Leite – wild water gorge adventure trail from Ringelai to Freyung

The adventure hike along the wild water gorge from Ringelai to Freyung is considered one of the most beautiful hiking areas in the Bavarian Forest. It has a length of 8 km (one direction). In the “Buchberger Leite” there is a unique geological rock structure of the pile that runs through the Bavarian Forest. In 2003, this quartz formation was awarded the title of one of the 100 most beautiful geotopes in Bavaria.
The romantic wild water gorge of Saussbach and Wolfsteiner Ohe offers hikers unforgettable impressions of the interplay of water and forest. The suspension bridge over the Wolfsteiner Ohe is just as fascinating as the rock breach near the former carbide works or the wildly romantic rapids on the route.

Good shoes are recommended for this route and the path is characterized by a lot of roots and stony bumps. There are several entrances of different lengths including some opportunities for circular hiking trails.

Start and/or finish: car park at the swimming pool in Freyung or hiker’s car park at the entrance to Ringelai

Length: one way approx. 8 km / 2.5 – 3 hours hike

The trail is very rocky in places

More information can be found on the website of Freyung.

Flyer for Buchberger Leite

Post from:03.07.2022 last modification: 03.07.2022

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