Bärnloch circular hiking trail
This beautiful circular hiking trail over 6 km pasing the Eidenberger Lusen and the wildly rushing Osterbach is an absolute top tip.
Buchberger Leite – wild water gorge adventure trail from Ringelai to Freyung
The 8 km long wild and romantic hiking trail from Ringelai to Freyung is one of the most beautiful hiking areas in the Bavarian Forest. It offers hikers unforgettable impressions of the interplay of water and forest.
Hiking on the Goldsteig
The Goldsteig leads through the low mountain ranges of the Upper Palatinate and Bavarian Forest. With a new route through the Czech Republic, unlimited hiking is now possible.
Wednesday walkers
Walking in every weather and in every season! Every Wednesday, 1 pm Tourists and guests are always welcome to take part in this event together with locals.
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