Concerts in the “Kurpark”

Every year in July and August there are concerts in the “Kurpark” of Hauzenberg, which are always worth a visit.

The following concerts are offered in 2024:
03 JULY – 28 AUGUST 2023

The concerts in 2024: All concerts take place at the climate pavilion in the Kurpark and begin at 6:00 p.m. Free entry.

We look forward to:

03. JULI – 28. AUGUST 2024

Spa concerts

3. Juli 18:00 Kreismusikschule – “WHITE OUT” & “7 SAME TARGETS” Johannes Kasberger and Bernhard Scholz

10. Juli 18:00 Uhr: BIG BAND BAVARIA

17. Juli 18:00 Uhr: BRIDGEHOUSE
Bridgehouse captivates its audience with the sounds of blues-rock-pop music from the 60s to the 90s. Six enthusiastic musicians present songs by the Beatles, CCR, Eric Clapton, Eagles, Doobie Brothers, Roxette and many more. Many years of live experience will inspire you and the audience will be carried away by their great joy in playing.

24. Juli 18:00 Uhr: KARIN RABHANSL
She is considered one of the most influential artists of her generation … and has made a name for herself as “the no-hit wonder from the Bavarian Forest”: The fearless Karin Rabhansl creates dark, colorful songwriting in High German and Lower Bavarian, and when she’s in a hurry, in English too.

31. Juli18:00 Uhr: PANTA RHEI
“Panta Rhei” means something like, everything is in flow, in development, in constant movement. That is exactly what we experience at the group’s concerts with Lydia Proksch on the keyboard. Not for the first time on the stage at the Climate Pavilion, we look forward to polyphonic vocals, dominant solo voices and a perfectly coordinated instrumental accompaniment.

07. August 18:00 Uhr: SOIZ’N’PEPPER – Lounge & Party Music
The group from Mitterfels mainly plays songs and classics from the 80s to today’s current hits, including pop and rock classics as well as dreamy ballads that are good for the soul. Look forward to world hits by Abba, Joe Cocker, Elton John, Earth Wind & Fire or Simply Red, Tina Turner, Amy Winehouse and Randy Crawford.

21. August 18:00 Uhr: SHALOM
The group “Shalom” from Passau has existed since 1981 with changing line-ups, but the aim has remained the same, which the leader Martin Göth describes as follows: “With our music, our lyrics and our performances we want to touch people, make them think and give them joy in life.” This year for the second time on stage at the Climate Pavilion.

28. August 18:00 Uhr: TRIBUTE TO EVA
Five musicians and singers from the Passau area dedicate their band name to the blues & folk singer Eva Marie Cassidy (1963 – 1996). With interpretations of classics such as “Fields of gold”, “Autumn leaves”, “Yesterday”, “Time after time” and many more, for the first time on stage at the Climate Pavilion.

Post from:23.06.2021 last modification: 13.07.2024

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