“Rauhnächte” in Lower Bavaria

“Rauhnächte” are holy nights,

in which the doors to the Otherworld are wide open. They take place in the time of Christmas and the New Year. The word “Rauhnacht” derives from the Middle High German “rûch” which means hairy or wild.

For the first time, the “Rauhnächte” have be mentioned in documents in the 16th century. After the Christmas days starts the time of the Rauhnächte. Special things are to happen on these days, as the bond of the worldly world to the otherworld is much stronger than usual. The 12 sacred nights of darkness symbolize the return of the souls and the appearance of the spirits.

In most regions, the 12 holy nights begin at 0:00 on the 25th of December and end at 6:00 pm on the 6th of January, Epiphany.

This custom is widespread in Lower Bavaria and Austria, but it is a very special spectacle in the Waldkirchen Rauhnacht and also the Rauhnächte in Hauzenberg are an experience as the photos show.

 Rauhnacht in Hauzenberg

The “Höllengeister” (infernal ghosts) of Passau and the “Woidperchten” stage a truly hellish experience with bells and noise, driving out the demons of winter and drawing us under their protection through their touch. The Perchten announce the change from the old to the new year. They cast out the ghosts of darkness and awaken the spirits of light and growth.

4th of January 2024 When: From 5 P.M.
Where: Center of the city of Hauzenberg
More information is available here.

Rauhnacht in Waldkirchen January 5th 2024

Thousands of visitors come to the market square every year on January 5th to experience a very special spectacle: the “Waldkirchner Rauhnacht”. Souls that once conjured up the devil, robbers, treasure hunters, witches, death and the devil bring spooky life to the city when darkness falls and howl and noisily drive their eerily beautiful mischief in the torchlight.
More information is available on the club’s website.

Rauhnächte in Waldkirchen

Rauhnacht 5. Januar in Waldkirchen

Post from:20.12.2018 last modification: 08.12.2023

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