
Our small selection from the large number of good restaurants in the region

Gasthaus Falkner

Very good Bavarian cuisine for a reasonable price directly in Hauzenberg.

Gidibauer Hof

Very good Restaurant in Hauzenberg - a must when you visit Hauzenberg

Gut Lichtenau

Very good Bavarian food for a reasonable price. Freshly caught trout. Really recommended. Very nice beer garden with great views.

Hauzenberg Sonnenalm

Beautifully Location. Excursion restaurant above Hauzenberg / Raßreuth with a magnificent view. Hikes to the observation tower from Oberfrauenwald or to the Geiersberg start from here.

Hauzenberg: birreria – a special kind of gastronomy

The “birreria” combines Italian pizza culture with the local art of brewing. The best, handcrafted beers from the local private brewery Apostelbräu can be enjoyed here as well as an exceptionally good pizza. Trational beers made from ancient grain, craft beers or oak barrel aged beers – an experience for ever

Passau: Das Oberhaus ( Veste Oberhaus )

High above the roofs of Passau, you can unwind and indulge your taste buds while enjoying a unique panoramic view of the Three River City Passau

Passau: Scharfrichter Haus

Good Restaurant in Passau with cultural progam and movie theater

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